Thursday, June 24, 2010


Douglas saw headlights for the first time since Christmas. But those headlights were not intended for his shack. In the high, twisting roads of the Blue Ridge Mountains it is rare for people to drive by. It is even more rare to welcome a visitor.

Was it a mistake to have lived her all these years?

Luckily he has his knife and plenty of wood. 

Douglas lives way off the smooth roads.

Douglas can respect the trees. Unlike people he has encountered earlier in his life.

Those people are put off by his angry expressions, but he can't appear any other way.

Although Douglas knows almost nothing about eastern religion, he believes that he is the reincarnation of one of the Founding Fathers. He believes that he has had enough of the city life back then, and he can now live in solace in North Carolina.

So when Douglas saw those headlights, he slept on his thoughts. He awoke the next morning and realized that he is happy, and that this place is ideal. Ideal enough to be himself.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


She was an adventurer and was known for winning contests of intellect abroad. 
And now she has retired from that lifestyle.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Threnody Island Citizens

Well I can't  quite understand why, but the folks of Threnody Island can take refuge in the embrace of their God, who does not have a name. The deity sends them clues to answer the long awaited question, "Why are we on this tiny, isolated island, and why can't we seem to build functional boats? "  They seem happy otherwise. They are a respectful, diverse, pleasant island community. It is unfortunate that they're all plagued with this mystery. 

The clues that their creator sends them are things like rugs, frisbees, barrels of matching shirts, and a large screw in this case. These all wash up on their shore on random instances. On the island they have a saying, "It all means something large". It all actually means nothing. But that is my opinion. Either way, the people of Threnody Island now own it, and it means much more to them. 

It may all seem laughable, but they take it very seriously.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Balkev Duo

The Balkev Duo were one of my favorite musical groups, and I am very sad to be informed of their parting. This Turkish group sang songs of love and compassion. And it is difficult for their fans to see them separate. Hopefully Bulut  and Dincer Balkev will reconcile.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sketch of the Day: Savannah

"...Then it happened again

The citizens paraded in the streets

And the ground beside our feet

Shone with grass

No ambulance

Shaking our heads

The traffic lights had no power left

Not over us..."

Friday, June 4, 2010

On This New Morning

I'm beginning to like my daily sketches more than my final pieces. This is the sketch of this day. Bob Dylan inspires.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Portrait of Kim

Sketch of the day. This one felt right.